Sunday, December 30, 2012

Bright New Year!

Our winter red-bellied woodpecker is back once again bringing with him some nice bright color on this wintry day.

While Mister Cardinal in all his bright red finery likes to grace us year round.

We’re blessed in New England during the winter with not only bright colorful birds but also with orange berries popping out begging to be seen against the snow.
As we’re about to embark on a bright New Year Dylan is definitely not going to be looking back…..

But forward to all the new adventures that await us.
I feel so grateful for all the friendships I’ve made throughout the years and blessed that you’ve invited me into your lives through your blogs. I want to thank each and every one of you for your support and friendship and wish all of you a bright, healthy and Happiest of New Years going into 2013!
Much Love to you all!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Christmas Wish

Has it really been a month since I last posted? Please forgive me and I owe a bunch of emails to people and those are coming over the next few days. Work has kept me busy nonstop, tis the season! But I’ve stop for the next week to enjoy this wonderful season. We have been busy decorating our home with all natural things and this mantel was hugely inspiring with it’s sugared pomegranates and live trees.

I’ve dragged out my antique mercury glass……
And wrapped the gifts........

 Now it's time to get some serious baking accomplished!

Before I go have some fun in the kitchen I wanted to take this moment to wish each and every one of you both new and old followers a Happy and Joyous Holiday Season!
Enjoy the magic of the Season!