Sunday, December 26, 2010


Oak Leaves

I hope everyone had a wonderful and blissful holiday yesterday I know my family did but today is a whole other story!

We're in for a little snow although this mild looking canopy of snow is beautiful

It starts off innocent enough and looks absolutely stunning!

Then the snowflakes start to invite their best friends...

Before you know it there's a raging party of snowflakes going on trying to out race one another to the ground!

The weathermen have predicted major snowfall amounts for today into tonight, a total of 18 inches in all for one snowy day!

So I think I'll go grab my book and go hang out in front of the fireplace and enjoy the peace and beauty of the day.

I hope everyone has a relaxing Sunday!


  1. relax .... AFTER the clean up!!!

    soak it in honey

  2. Wow, 18 inches!! That's a lot of snow!We have about 5 inch , more than enough ;-)

  3. Debra- It's just started snowing here! I just love your beautiful snowy images!


  4. Hi Debra - I'm hunkering down for the storm as well. Have a great day!

  5. Hi Debra...thank you for the gorgeous photos! Sounds like a perfet way to spend the day! XO Trish

  6. The images are beautiful. You are so right, a good book and a fireplace is the perfect setting for days/nights like this. My brother lives in Maine and I know they are also getting the storm.
    Stay warm and cozy and safe. Perfect for after Christmas relaxation.

  7. Its a winter wonderland here today as well...hope you had a lovely holiday!

  8. Sounds great and how beautiful? Hope you have lots of food and drink!

  9. Thank you so much for all your lovely comments! You are so sweet!
    I do hope that you do not have that much trouble with the snowfall!
    I wish you a Happy and Healthy 2011!

  10. Sounds like you had a lovely holiday - hoping we'll get to hear a bit about it. In the meantime, your winter wonderland shots are beautiful! I'm enjoying it here as well - a little forced indoor relaxation is a good thing!

  11. Just popped over from Bettina's.
    Oh my! What lovely scenery you have captured, it looks so very peaceful.

  12. Love these beautiful snowy images! I am still waiting for our snow fall.. it has warmed up.


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