Saturday, May 28, 2011


I need everyone’s help please! For days now I’ve been trying to log into blogger to leave comments and blogger won’t let me. Here’s the problem:

I sign in, it says I’m signed in on my dashboard but not on my main blog page. If I try to leave a comment it says I’m anonymous. Does anyone out there know how to fix this problem????

Until it’s fixed I can’t leave comments even as anonymous, this has been a real bummer!


  1. hope I can post this. it's a blogger problem and they're working on it. I think almost everyone is experiencing it. it's so frustrating, isn't it? donna

  2. Hello:
    Others may be in a better position to advise than we are. However, we experienced exactly this a day or so ago.

    One way round is if the blog offers Name and URL, then it is possible, or so we found, to leave a comment via that.

    Or you could try, as we have done, to change from Google to Google Chrome. It is quite easy and does seem to have made a difference inasmuch as our Followers, who had disappeared, are visible with Google Chrome.

    But it does seem to be a Blogger programme as you are not alone. Maybe it is a question of waiting!

  3. Hi Donna dont worry it did that to me for over a week Google is working on blogger and it does funny things but now it hs settled down and weekends are especilally bad so soon you should be back to ok toes crossed fay xxx

  4. Blogger has offically gone bonkers!! I am hearing of so many problems it is epic. I cannot believe whats going on. They really really need to get this together and FAST. Have you gone to any of the message boards? Sometimes they have some insightful information but a lot of this seems to be unchartered waters for blogger and even they seem unable to keep up with the problems they are having!! Another blogger told me all 300+ of her followers have vanished, disappeared..gone!!!!!!! My original post (a significant thing to me) has gone, have no idea where!!! I am seriously thinking of changing to wordpress. I am scared that this is a sign of bigger problems to come. Good luck. Your picture, is so appropriate...........sorry you are having such problems. I know its incredibly frustrating!!!!!!!!

  5. Oh Debra! How frustrating!
    Sorry, but I'm a technic-computer-idiot and cannot help you!
    I'm sure this problem will be solved by google soon.
    The SOS picture is just so good !!!!

    At least we all have a sign from you and know that you're well!

    Have a lovely weekend (without blogging - for a change)

  6. It's me again. Just found out that one of my readers has the same problem, Gina from Art and Alfalfa.
    It looks like she found an answer to it.
    If you like have a look at her blog:

    hope that this is helpful!
    Good luck!

    PS. have not forgotten you Debra, just so busy with some unexpected French country 'things' like fosse septic, overflooded guest house etc. Will try to write to you as soon as my head is clear again.....

  7. Had to add an my almost 500 followers are gone too! Add that to my very original post, something quite significant totally disappeared. I am done with blogger and looking at how easy (relatively speaking) it will be to switch over...I am starting to not have much faith in them!
    What next? Our entire blogs will be gone!

  8. Debra I had the same problem (along with my followers list being missing for two days Grrrr!) And when I unclicked the stay signed in box it finally worked. Have you tried that? Give it a try and let me know. Vanna

  9. Oh dear... these comments are making me a nervous wreck! I did notice today that my followers didn't appear for a few minutes... I was having a panic attack and clicking the refresh button every few seconds, and they finally reappeared... But this doesn't sound so bad after reading some of these bigger problems! Hopefully this is all cleared up for you soon! I would be pretty devastated if something terrible happened to my blog!

  10. I logged in using Google Chrome and now it works wonderfully. I had the same problem all week!!

  11. This happened to me several days last week and I thought I was going to scream. I worked for hours and just gave up. Not sure what is going on. Hope it is all corrected soon. Wishing you and your famiy a great weekend!

  12. It's been frustrating for all of us! Hopefully, we will not have any glitches for a while! It's lonely when we're disconnected!

  13. It's very easy, While in Blogger UNCHECK the "keep me signed in" box. Only do this when you want to leave a comment. You will have to sign in again for posting and checking comments.

  14. I'm sending you an email. I just helped a couple of others thru this so hopefully I can help you too. Look for my email.


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