Tuesday, June 21, 2011

More Details!

Sorry I’ve been so quiet about blogging and commenting but it is after all summer time and we’ve waited a long winter for the warmth and to be outside. Outside also means I’m riding a tractor 10 plus hours a week mowing (3 open acres), hiking Dylan dog 30 plus miles a week and with our home and all the things that go with life, gardening and my business, well you get the point. So if I go quiet on you I’m just really busy!

One of the details on the outside of the barn are the windowsills. See the sill under the window it’s one solid piece of granite stone and took four men to lift it up into place. New Hampshire is called the granite state since we have a lot of it and you literally trip over the stuff.  

Since we had a lot of the antique granite blocks leftover from mister man building the end walls he decided to use some up making the apron in front of the barn. It also matches the foundation on our home, our foundation is made up of giant and I do mean giant boulders faced with huge slabs of granite stone. Mister man laid the block and then filled in with stone dust.

 I purchased this zinc planter from Restoration Hardware for the front corner of the barn but it would eventually sink in the dirt so mister man built a pad for it. Yes I know my shrub is small but it’ll grow, it’s a “Green Mountain” upright boxwood.

This picture came from a beta-plus book called "Building with Reclaimed Materials"  (love this book) it was the stair railing I was interested in because it was so open.

Well the railing arrived and voile OPEN! The railing is right in the middle of the third bay jutting out into the room and I didn’t want a busy railing cutting off my view of the entire barn. The railing also sits in front of the French windows and I didn’t want them cut off from view from the annex. Yes I know this railing isn’t to code but there’s a way around that problem.

The code only states that the railing has to be solid not pretty to the eye so our contractor made the railing solid for inspection. Nice huh? It passed.

See how a solid railing would have cut the room up? Anyway the wood is off my railing and I would say nobody's the wiser but hey, I just put it on a blog...lol.

I got this door picture from the same beta-plus book above. I thought a dungeon type door would look amazing going up the stairs with the stonewalls.

But instead our contractors made this door…not exactly the door I envisioned but for now it’ll do until I find a door I prefer.

This picture was taken out back of the barn just look at that nice big open space I get to design for my secret garden. I say secret garden because you can’t see it from the street or from our driveway in front of the house.

Mister man is going to put in a stone patio for me as soon as I make up my mind what kind of stone and pattern. Yeah that’s going to happen quickly, making up my mind but you have to understand mister man is aging ;) and he’s only going to do this once for me so it has to be the perfect stone! (Yes mister man reads my blog so he'll see this....Hi honey!)

As you can see the area where the patio is going needs a lot of dressing up but I started by sticking a bench in already did you notice in the picture above?

Dylan dog is going to help me plant too he’s already digging a hole….lol. Up next the revel of the decorating inside the barn. I can tell you’re all excited!


  1. We are loving that zinc planter! Think we'll get a pair for our garden! So chic.
    xo E + J

  2. Looks amazing!! So exciting to finally see the space come together....you must be over the moon! Love the granite windowsills, the planter, the gorgeous floors and your railing......its all in the details and I would say you have nailed it!

  3. I love it! The staircase! The open space, the look.....the 'modern touch'...Very clever to close it for the inspection!
    Well done my dear friend Debra!
    It seems that we have the same kind of books (apart from your textile ones). And I'm busy as well, keeping away from the PC as much as possible, still trying to get a letter together for you!

    But I'm so happy that - at least - winter is over at your place!
    Please enjoy driving the tractor, walking with Dylan, your garden and
    ...just life!

  4. Wow - looking great!! I love it all - the windowsill, the planter (I'be been lusting over the same) and the fabulous open railing. Also love the idea of your dungeon door!! Looking forward to seeing the next stage and your garden!!

  5. The granite windowsills and apron in front of the barn are wondeful. Love the zinc planter. Everything is coming together so beautifully. How exciting. We can relate with you about summer time outside work. We thought we were the only ladies that spend time on a tractor.

  6. Hello,

    This is just perfect the stairecase, the open look,... and we have the same book :-)


  7. Debra I'm still pondering and amazed by how they got those enormous boulders in place 200(?) years ago?...Really what a feat when it took 4 men just to lift up your granite sill! Were they just "there"?
    I love the zinc planter! And what a great way to get around the inspection *winks* You were right! It's sooo much better visually with the open railing.
    Love the look of the dungeon door too!
    OK I'm off to buy the book.....That picture with the open railing and that fabulous canapé is so enticing... Vanna

  8. YOU DID IT! posted snaps of your garden, and i did not even have to beg :-)
    nothing like an open slate within a secret space

  9. Debra- Oh my, what a "wink wink" railing you had. And you had the guts to post it! Too funny!

    The place is looking AMAZING!


  10. I love this post, Debra! Good thinking for the railing. And go, Dyan, go!

  11. Debra, Everything is looking great. You are almost there. Can you believe it? Fabulous things are worth the wait. Love every detail. Don't work too hard on that tractor. Mona

  12. How nice...flat land! I love Connecticut Bluestone (for the patio). Isn't that almost considered "local stone" to you? It triples in price when it makes it's way to the West coast, so we started using Napa stone instead. You're going to have a busy Fall getting that garden in...sounds wonderful. XOXO Trish

  13. You have done an amazing job, I can't wait to see how you decorated it!!

  14. Debra I don't sew, but I'd love to see how the stockings your friend made from the Odd Fellows collars turned out? Maybe I could be inspired to actually "make" something instead of collect it! Lol! Vanna

  15. I love your zinc planter. It is amazing to see your project going on

  16. These spaces are are so wonderful, the materials you choose...to die for!!!

  17. omg! there is so much going on! the railing story is crazy fun. and the inspirational images are like buttah.

    can't wait to see what you choose for the patio cuz maybe i can copy you. when the downstairs project is complete, the patio (right now it's just a concrete slab) will be next. i do love a herringbone pattern and old bricks...my poor husband.

    love to you.


  18. Everything has come together so beautifully! I love the apron your husband made for your planter. Very clever. And the planters are very chic. The windowsills and the railing couldn't be more perfect. Absolutely stunning, Debra.
    I hope you are enjoying the summer.

  19. coming along!!1
    QUITE NICELY I might add!

    gotta love those boxwoods

    p.s. Canon Eos Rebel 12.2

  20. Oh my goodness! I just realised that I missed several episodes in the barn restoration, what a a fantastic room you have Debra. I love the colour on the walls, those lights, the amazing wooden floor and the granite window sills. This barn is going to age beautifully that's for sure.
    I'm so glad you remembered to take photos each step of the way. A textbook restoration project !!

  21. Love love the 18th cent french tapestry!


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