Friday, January 6, 2012

Guest Post & I'm a DITZ!

Jean-Loup Daraux

Unbelievable I’m guest posting today over at Tina’s place The Enchanted Home and I had this post scheduled to go up tomorrow instead of today…opppsss! My bad! Anyway go on over and have a look-see and if you have a big room this is for you. Tell Tina the Ditz sent you! If you find this post on Saturday just click here to go have a look.

I hope everyone is having a great start to this New Year!


  1. Saw the post! Great! Really enjoyed it and the tips.
    I know how that happens. It not as easy as people think, is it?

  2. I love the post - it's so easy to hit that stupid wrong button, isn't it (been there, done that).... just wanted to wander over here and let you know too! Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

  3. Just read your guest post... excellent! Beautiful images and wonderful info. You are NO ditz!! Have a great weekend!

  4. Great advice for large rooms Debra!
    Thank you for your comment on my blog, you are always so interesting, I am really surprised that you can understand/translate my posts !
    Have a wonderful weekend, big hug from Holland

  5. My fellow ditzes and I are very happy you've visited our world - it's a fun place to live with never a dull moment. Welcome and we hope you visit again, soon. Debra

  6. I'm always so nervous about doing that sort of thing too..but it's nice to know there are others like me in blog land too...fabulous pic too.

  7. i was thrilled to see you on tina's blog! hey. i know that broad. very fancy. very cool. and zero ditz.

    smiles to you, big time.


  8. I loved your post at Tina's. Full of wonderful advice and pictures. x Sharon

  9. Debra, you are so worries, it could (and likely has) happened to all of us! The post was wonderful..everyone enjoyed and you gave me something to bookmark and refer back to as we start to tackle the decorating! Many thanks.......and you my friend are no ditz....enjoy your weekend.

  10. Well, if you are a ditz (we all have brain farts now and again Debra) then at least you are a brilliant one!! Bravo for one of the best posts I have seen in a long time.

    Bisous et bon weekend!

  11. I saw the post Debra and you did an absolutely incredible job. It was over the top good. Loved every image. Have a great weekend. Mona

  12. Hello Debra,

    I loved the post at the enchanted home! So many beautiful ideas for decorating large spaces. I love that huge urn by the way.

    I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Thank you for your advice, I tried the gel caps and they work like a charm!

    Happy new year, Elizabeth

  13. Great post about you by Tina!

    Just to let you know - I've done my "homework" regarding the two awards you kindly gave me by passing them on, finally!

    Again, merci beaucoup, my dear friend!

    xxx Mrs.B :) :)

  14. You found some beautiful pictures, Debra..I love the idea of large decorative doors propped up against the wall and items other than the obvious large fireplaces and mantles, like the oversized basket and a grouping of pics to balance the size of the room.

  15. Ha Ha....I almost did the same thing...not sure when I push publish where it goes after that! Does it appear that day or the next :) I am headed over there.....


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