Thursday, March 1, 2012

Snow Day!

Old man winter has finally decided to show up this year and he waited until March 1st! We already have six inches of snow down with up to ten more inches coming. I have to admit I’ve missed seeing the snow this year but all at once…really?

Trust me I know how fortunate I am to live where I do, the air is clean, the beauty breath taking and this is just outside our kitchen window.

 I dashed out to the front porch to snap these lovelies feasting, a Common Flicker and….

Mister Cardinal…..

Who suddenly got camera shy!

A typical morning chat over coffee around here…..

This little guy didn’t stay in his polka dot coat for long and wasn’t at all sure about his first snowfall.

Instead he grew his own coat and loves the snow.

There’s no getting this bear inside during a good snowfall. Trust me he's all hair and that coat is going to start falling out all over our house soon but that's life with a Golden and I wouldn't trade it for anything!

I hope everyone is having a beautiful day!



  1. Wow! I haven't seen snow all winter here in NJ. Where ae you located? The pics are gorgeous!

  2. OMG, it looks cold! Hope your by the fire with a warm blanket.

  3. What a sweetie ... he looks like he's have a great time in all that snow! ... beautiful pictures too.

  4. do you not love winter's light??? it is so gorgeous captured on film because there is such a realness, a crisp, clean feel to it all! you caught the cardinal--bravo!

    love to you.


  5. Hi those stone pretty blanketed with snow! Happy March! Trish

  6. I'm with you- we're loving this snow day! Dan's home today too, so that's nice. Glad Rick made it home and that Dylan is having so much fun!
    stay warm!

  7. Debra-
    I am soooo jealous! It is warm here. and I am wanting snow!
    Beautiful images. Lucky you, and by the way, gorgeous doggie!
    Happy Thursday.

  8. We had snow last night. I woke up to a pretty white world.

  9. Hi Debra,

    Just came across your blog and I love it! I just became a follower and am excited to see new posts.

    When you get a minute, check out mine! I have some similar posts on designing and diy projects.


  10. How cute are your dogs? I had to put two coats on our little Boston Terrier to take him for a walk. Snowing here in Mammoth, too

  11. It looks very pretty on your side of the state line. We went unscathed. We had a little yesterday afternoon but warm winds off the water kept it at bay. Nothing on the ground at all here.

    It is pretty though!

  12. Oh boy, that's a lot of snow! In Holland we have a little bit spring, 57 degrees this weekend!

  13. I would love to be there looks beautifull...we don't get snow right down to the groudn where we live, if it does it is mostly on the surrounding mountains and we have to drive to feel the cruch underfoot...
    I love the quiet of being in snow..
    thank you for your very kind comment re the post Sherry did on our home. much appreciated as always..
    Col xx

  14. 16 inches?!!! i am sooo jealous!

    we too missed winter, now i am wondering is it too late?
    my pooch also loves a good snow....go dylan dog!

  15. Debra,
    These pictures are just stunning! I especially love the one of that beautiful cardinal!!! Part of me has missed the trees covered with snow....but with our renovation not quite complete....I am counting my lucky stars that winter has steered north!

    Enjoy your snow days!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  16. It does look beautiful Debra! As long as there's power it's all good! Is that Dylan dog as a puppy?......Awwww he was so darn adorable!! I'm pinnin' him *winks* Vanna

  17. Wow you weren't kidding!
    So gorgeous though... Love your boy, my how he has grown and what a coat he has now.
    Keep cozy!!!!
    Much love,

  18. What sweet, beautiful animals you have - my kids would be so jealous! There is something so beautiful about blankets of white snow! I really can't stand the city in the winter... mushy, brown, wet smoggy... the list goes on. I just love where you live and your creativity, it's magical!

    Much love to you!

  19. What magical pictures! We don't get much snow here so it's like a fairytale for me. And Dylan dog was the cutest Dylan pup! x Sharon

  20. Oh yes indeed you are fortunate to live in such a wonderful place!! What wonderful pictures!! Oh my!!!
    Happy weekend!

  21. Debra...what beautiful a true winter wonderland, that picture of the red carninal against the snow is incredible. And of course Dylan looks too cute with his extra coat of fur...reminds me so much of Teddy. What a paradise......I feel calmer just LOOKING at the pictures. I must say I will feel jipped if we end this winter without another snowfall.....its been slim pickins around here and I want to see some white stuff!!

  22. Here on the water in Salem, it wasn't until last night that we had temps cold enough for the snow to stick. This morning I woke to a white glaze of snow on the ground, trees and cars. All that was missing was a beautiful sunrise to set the scene sparkling. OUr labs used to just tear about the yard on those first few white wintery days. Looking at your pictures brought back those memories - right down to the shedding :-)

    I spent my day working on an overall marketing and PR plan with our PR person and building a full scale card board mock up of a "Crows Nest" that will hang out over a stair that goes down to the wine cellar. Sometimes sketches aren't enough...


  23. I love living in Provence, but as a New Yorker I really miss the snow. There is nothing like it! Stay warm.

  24. These are gorgeous pictures! Wow! You are getting lots of snow! Time to make soup and homeade cookies - and maybe a little wine tonight :)

    Love those pups! I have two english springers that enjoy the snow but get "snow balls" in their paws..

    enjoy your weekend!


  25. Oh my goodness, Debra, you really did get a dumping. I keep telling my boys (who complain that the only snow day they got this year was Halloween) that we'll get a snowstorm at Easter... seems to be the way this winter was! Even our puppies miss the white stuff!

  26. What beautiful snow. Your doggie is precious...the puppy is so darn cute.
    Stay warm.

  27. I was going to say how beautiful the birds were until I got to the adorable shots of the sweet dogs! Lucky you - enjoy the snow!

  28. GREAT PICS:)I really like your much nice inspiration.
    I wish you a lovely weekend.

    LOVE Maria at

  29. So beautiful Debra! Wow! And Dylan dog is huge! I just did a major brushing of Ben yesterday as we had a bit of a heatwave and you wouldn't BELIEVE how much fur came off him! He looks five pounds lighter! :)

    Have a great weekend,

  30. Hello, Debra. I'm in sunny Southern California, but the images you shared remind me so much of where I grew up it made me miss my family today.

    I love the pic of Dylan as a pup. My worrrd! As I believe you know, we had a blonde Golden Retriever named Sasha. Your pics of Dylan made me sentimental but also made me (and my daughter who was looking over my shoulder) smile and reminisce about Sasha's first trips to snow country for Christmas...her surprise and the way she picked up her paws and pranced through the snow and then eventually as she decided it was a lot of fun and didn't want to come in...the frozen snow clumps that accumulated on her long fringe...and the subsequent mess in my mom's house as we all defrosted...
    Anyway, just wanted to thank you for the trip down (a snow-covered) memory lane. :)
    Have a wonderful day. xo~LeAnn

  31. Debra, Thanks for leaving the nice comment today. Dr. Hauschka is a wonderful line. I've used the products from time to time. It's popular with my patients that enjoy the natural/holistic route for skin care. I've purchased the Hauschka book as well. It's very interesting and worth picking up.


  32. We tagged you and we hope you will play along. check out our blog!

  33. Oh Debra. This is beautiful and seeing sweet Dylan just makes me smile. Will try to ship the gates to morrow. Trying to get a good rate. The firstcshipping co I checked with was ridiculous. Have sweet talked my husband to get his warehouse to do it. xO. Mona

  34. What a beautiful snow, but boy, when you got it you certainly got it. Love the way it looks on your gorgeous stone walls and Dylan...absolutely adorable!!

  35. Even though I feel fortunate that we seemed to have escaped a nasty winter I love a perfect winter picture and do enjoy snow. These capture the season.

  36. WOW - beautiful, but must admit I didn't miss it this year, perhaps because we had that untimely and incredibly inconvenient introduction in October!!

  37. I love snow, but here in Portugal we don't have snow*

  38. Oh wow what a magic place Debra! Abnd that pup pic has me oohing and aaahing all over my screen...

    We only see snow here atop the far off mountains so for us its quite magical! What an aamzing place you live in!


    PS: Thanks so much for your lovely visits and comments

  39. Debra- We got the snow here, too! And all the kids got a snow day, too!

    What a happy dog you have - and your backyard looks so breath-taking!


  40. It's so beautiful!! I don't mind an early March snowfall myself. It helps keeps the allergens around here under control. I'm glad you finally got a good snowfall.


  41. Debra,
    What great photos of the snow. Your dog is adorable in his au naturale winter coat.
    xo E + J

  42. Debra,
    For six years now, we drive every weekend to ski upstate and I just love the snow. I ski in a ladies clinic and our coach tells us that the snow is the glue that holds the seasons together. I must admit, we have not had a typical Winter so I am feeling that spring might pop early here. I will miss all the joys of Winter. I love the light, being outdoors, bundling up, preparing stews, fondues, and letting our dog go crazy in the snow. He is white and blends in....
    Your dog looks so happy in the snow.
    Stunning images,

  43. Makes me want to hop in the car and go on a hike with you! My daughter wants a golden soooo bad!! I've never owned a big dog, just little ones - the high maintenance variety... ha ha. xo

  44. absolutely beautiful images--there is nothing like fresh snow, even in March! Enjoy! Barbara

  45. Gorgeous snow photos! And I love seeing your little one's first snow. Adorable! We have a few flakes flying here in Seattle, nothing that will stick but enough to make one wonder if spring will ever come! Gotta love March. Have fun!

  46. Debra the pictures of your garden are always beautiful, but these are really extra special - you really live in a stunning setting. Stay warm :)

  47. Oh no!! I'd be so bummed! We are having out first 50 degree day here!

  48. Love your blog! A correction though - that is a Red-bellied Woodpecker on your suet feeder not a Flicker.

  49. Love these photos! LIving in Texas we have not had much of a winter this year. I am your newest follower and new to "blogland". I would love for you to stop by. Have a great weekend.


  50. Hello,

    I love our snow photos, winter is such a beautiful time especially with a fresh snowfall.

    Your pup is beautiful...

    I hope that you are relaxing this weekend, it sounds as if we both had a long week.

    Enjoy and thank you for all of our nic comments.


  51. It sure is beautiful - especially on your stone wall! I love the beauty of winter, just not the cold! I can't imagine all that snow in "real" life - just through gorgeous photos. :)
    xo isa

  52. Oh man I can't believe all that snow! I feel like I live in South Carolina because it's 70 degrees and sunny in Omaha today! Just took my dog for a walk and saw 90% of Omaha out doing the same! What a beautiful snow.. and I LOVE your dogs!!!


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