Sunday, May 13, 2012

Spring has finally Arrived!

For us in the northeast spring has been very slow to start with rainy and cold weather. The sun decided to grace us with two of the most amazing days before the rain starts back up for the week.

We’re very lucky that we have lily of the valley that likes to pop up all over on the edge of our forest.

So I clipped some and brought it inside, did you know it comes in both pink and white?

Our blueberry bushes are covered in flowers and we couldn’t be more thrilled with all the fruit we’ll yield come July.

Since the weather was so gorgeous on Saturday and we have a lot of projects to get done this spring it was off to our local nursery to get a couple of truckloads of shrubs and flowers.

While Mom and Dad placed the flowers before planting Dylan rested up before the tough work began.

Then it was time to dig! Dylan’s very good about doing the digging and all we have to do is point and stand back and let the boy go at it!

Dylan’s trying to make sure his hole is just right….

Then it’s time for a rest until the next hole needs to be dug. Oh and these raised beds were built by yours truly. Mister man didn’t touch a single stone and it drove him crazy! I told you I could build too!

I’m also putting in a dwarf boxwood hedge with short “Incredibal” hydrangea in front of it. The flower heads should dance on top on the hedge if things work out right. This little garden will lead you up to my secret garden. So that’s been our weekend lots of outside time before the rains begin again tomorrow.

I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend and even better Mother’s Day with your families.

Be well, be kind and lots of love to you all!



  1. Dylan is such a handsome boy! I hope he didn't bring all that soil / dirt into the house. My Panda and Mocha are very good at doing that.

    Your garden / property is really beautiful! I love all your dry stacked stone walls. Good job!! I always admire all the stone walls when I am in New England.

    Please post more photos of Dylan :-) Cheers, Loi

  2. The dog is so cute. I love when animals like to help with the chores. My cats love to help make the bed.

    Love the idea of a boxwood and hydrangea border. I'm looking forward to seeing how that fills out.

  3. Dylan is making me smile...and cry. I miss my Cappi. Just love Dylan's personality...and your gardens are going to be beautiful...

  4. Hello Debra

    I bet Dylan had the best time. Our previous dog was named "Digger" and he lived up to his name. Your garden looks beautiful and how promising is the hydrangea border and boxwood.

    Wishing you a week of goodness
    Helen xx

  5. I just found your blog from Loi's! What a beautiful garden you are planning. I sympathize with you, I am in Ontario, Canada and are still waiting for the warm weather. The nice part is getting all the planting and weeding out of the way before it gets too hot. I love your assistant...I have one of my own, but he doesn't dig as well as yours;) I am looking forward to your progress. Happy Day!

  6. what personality and comical expressions on dylan dog

    you are a genius, you can indeed build stone walls! oh to have granite covered in lichen and moss at your fingertips, cannot wait to see the finished results

  7. Your garden is so lovely! And your stone wall most impressive. My dogs also love to dig but mostly AFTER I have planted. I'm sending them to Dylan for training. x Sharon

  8. The Lily of Valley is lovely! Yesterday we had a sunny day, we trimmed the boxwood hedges in our backyard, and oh boy, I have muscle pain all over my body!
    This week I will show some garden pictures on my blog.

  9. How big of a fool is Dylan? Ha! You have the most lovely grounds. xo

  10. Your stone wall looks great, and I love your plant choices. Lucky you have Dylan to help out. I cannot wait to get a peek at that secret garden.

  11. Dylan is a riot!! And I love your raised bed - you did a great job!! And I for one did not know Lily of the Valley came in pink as well - so pretty!!

  12. No one is loving Spring more than cute!! Boxwood and hydrangea are two of my most favorites in the garden - it's going to look fabulous, Debra ~

  13. Dylan must be so happy! I can tell the air there is fresh! I love Lillies of the Valley too!Happy Monday. XX

  14. Debra,

    We too had one of our warmest weekends topping almost 80 degrees! What a wonderful treat and I am in heaven with all the flowers. My yard is still a bit muddy but we cleaning up and starting to plant. Your property is gorgeous and I just love all the rock. Dylan is so darn cute and looks like he enjoys helping out in the garden.

  15. Well, you know I think dogs RULE! This is so precious. And, I'm loving what you're doing with your garden.

  16. Looks like you have a lovely garden! Thanks for supporting my favorite garden in the Bronx, Bartow Pell Mansion Myseum and garden. Your vote will help preserve this historic place and community hub.

  17. My dog does that too - digs right into the dirt or barkdust and makes her little nest. Sigh...:) Lovely pictures!

  18. Love all you have going on here. That is one precious pup

  19. Hooray for a post starring Dylan Dog!!! As you can see, it was quite a hit so maybe we will need more of them...hint, hint...

    And those lilies of the valley are so lovely. A whole acre? Sigh.

    Gros bisous,

  20. Oh, how I love a weekend full of plans and progress. Your lily of the valley and blueberry bushes are you make jam? There is nothing better than a vine picked blueberry!!!

    Have a wonderful week, Debra! You'll be in that secret garden before you know it!

    xoxo Elizabeth

  21. Love spring! Everything looks gorgeous and Dylan looks like he likes to help you.

  22. This is so amazing, my type of post you just did(: as I love snow drops, and lilly of the valley is second best for me...growing up near forests that had plenty of them is just so beautiful to see them in the wild and so thank you for sharing it! I had no idea there are pink ones though... I planted some in the front of the house but must do so in more spots....they smell so fabulous, don't they?
    xo Z

  23. Hello,

    Enjoy the springtime my dear, your garden looks great and you are lucky, becauseyou have a helping friend :)


  24. Deborah-
    Dylan is a doll!
    I know that you had so much fun, and I can't wait to see the garden grown. I just love going to the nursery.
    Happy Tuesday.

  25. Simply beautiful!!! And thank you so much for continuing to comment even though I haven't been around. It's been so crazy, and i so appreciate that you keep coming around. I hope to be here more often very soon!

  26. Debra,
    Quite the tapestry you weave in your garden, even with animals....I would love to see a tapestry with Dylan...and of your gorgeous walls....

  27. You have been working hard, and look at that beautiful dark earth! Your garden will be stunning again this year, it's hard to believe that you still had snow a few weeks back!

  28. I just love Dylan- oh the stories he could probably tell- he looks so wise! Well,I've missed you Debra! I've been a little overwhelmed with work which is good, I guess, but have missed my blogland friends! I'll be back next week (hopefully). Your gardens are looking fresh and beautiful- isn't that the best kind of work!

  29. Debra,
    Your garden is taking shape. I love lily of the valley and can't get them to grow in my neck of the words (Southern California). the stones you used for the raised beds are amazing, were they found on your property? I'm eagerly awaiting the reveal of your great, rusty gates.

  30. Hello, sweetie!

    How beautiful!

    Awww... Dylan seems to enjoy your garden, huh? :-)

    I love this time of the year. Let's celebrate it.


    Luciane at

  31. Dylan just makes me laugh and laugh - you capture him and his antics SO well! Lily of the Valley is absolutely divine - and the smell - utterly gorgeous! It also holds some sentimental value for me too, as it was all over my garden as a child when I was growing up, and always makes me think of my Mother.
    Your garden is going to be spectacular - your soil looks so rich!
    Paula x

  32. Dylan is quite the guy! I love hearing about Dylan and all his adventures. And to find out he is a master gardener is fabulous. Your raised beds are fantastic. You did an incredible job. You are going to have an amazing garden. I'm looking forward to seeing it flourish.

  33. I'm glad to see that you have a helping paw in your garden! Your lily of the valley is lovely - it carpeted the ground at my grandmother's home so it always reminds me of her. We saw it everywhere in Paris, in little nosegays, tucked in with roses. So pretty. Hope the gray skies in the NE clear soon! XO

  34. Hi there,
    So happy to have just found your blog via Mrs Sutton.
    I didnt know that Lily of the Valley comes in pink too. I think the smell is gorgeous. I'm always bringing little sprigs into the house.
    How kind of Dylan to help with the gardening-dogs are so thoughtful like that!
    Hope you have a lovely day.

  35. Debra- What a good helper you had in the dirt! I am very impressed by your building. It's so satisfying to see those plants go in.

    We left blueberry bushes at our old home and miss them!!! Will plant them here this year or the next...


  36. Good Morning Debra:
    I haven't been by in awhile and came to you from 5th and state. Your gardens are going to be beautiful. As for Dylan, what a love. . . .as for those pink Lily of the Valley's. . .never knew and now I am on the hunt!!
    Mary Anne ox

  37. I need Dylan t come hang out with me for a few days. Hubby would appreciate it too-- it would give him a break from the arm-twisting I keep doing trying to talk him into digging some big holes for some huge shrubs for me.

    I'm so glad spring is finally there! The lilies of the valley look beautiful! We're already getting a dose of summer. Yikes! I wasn't quite ready for that!

    I hope your weekend is wonderful!

  38. So happy the weather is nice. Your pictures are great too! Have a wonderful weekend!

  39. Dylans so cute, reminds me so much of Teddy. Your Lily of the Valley is beautiful as is all the beautiful beds, that stonework is GORGEOUS!! Isnt' it nice to finally have weather to come out of hibernation in? I have so many projects that I want to tackle I am at an impasse and resemble a deer in the headlights, not sure which way to turn:) The gardens look like they are coming along beautifully...happy planting!

  40. Debra,

    I hope that you are having a great week even though you seem to have had a week like mine...crazy.

    I guess it is as they say, "feast of famine" or when it rains it pours or even "God doesn't give you more than you can handle."

    Enjoy your "downtime" or hopefully a good night sleep. Have a good weekend.


  41. Thanks for making me feel better about the coffee in Italy!! I'm so happy Spring is here and I'm planning on enjoying every minute! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

  42. Dylan is SO cute! And your yard looks great!

  43. Thank you for this post. I have been wanting to put raised beds in my backyard but I only considered brick for the retaining wall. Your stone work looks so elegant.

  44. Sweet post. Believe me, late spring is better than no spring. It brings a smile on everybody's face.

  45. Debra we always had lilies of the valley and I love that you have the pupster assisting with you planting!

    Thought you would enjoy...Interview with Leslie of Segreto Finishes and her fabulous Book Giveaway!

    Art by Karena

  46. OMG I'm totally falling in love with your doggy!!

  47. Debra,

    Thank you so much for your recipe. I made it tonight! My husband who is a dijon mustard fan LOVED it!

    I hope that you have a fabulous, safe weekend.

    Enjoy your barbeque with your friends.



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