Sunday, June 17, 2012

Birds & Bees

Hi everyone…I know it has been two weeks since I last posted but hey things get super busy around this place the minute it warms up. Grass needs cutting, things need mulching, shrubs and flowers to go in and unfortunately while I was busy outside I managed to pull a muscle or two in my back. If you have never done this may I say take very good care of your back because it’s freaking hurts! While mister man and I have been busy about our yard others who live around here have been busy building their homes.

I wanted to hang this shutter that was newly painted but while it was leaning up against the house a couple of birds moved in and set up camp. This nest is so cool it’s built with mud and moss, you can see the small hunks of mud dripping down my NEWLY PAINTED SHUTTER! As of yesterday the parents flew off with their two new babies in tow and once I make sure they aren’t coming back then I’ll move the nest. It’ll be coming inside once I’m sure there aren’t any bugs and such and it has time to air out.

We’ve been decorating the outside with a few architectural zinc features….

While Mother Nature has been busy starting her show. Our Mock Orange shrubs are in bloom and the flower scent is heaven sent!

Our Spirea shrubs in front have blossomed and in case you noticed we do have bronze screens, it’s an antique house so we’ve tried to stay somewhat true to it. I highly recommend Spirea shrubs to everyone they have three season interest and are low to no maintenance.

There’s a bee on that middle flower quickly gathering his pollen.

Looks like we’re going to get a bumper crop of blueberries.

I just hope we beat the black bear that destroyed our bird feeder to them.

Our stonecrop is quickly spreading over the stonewalls and steps and is in full bloom right now. This is a type of Sedum that easily plants up in cervices of any kind and is no maintenance.

While I was walking across the yard I happen to see this guy just in time before I stepped on him. Isn’t his house amazing?

We have many varieties of ferns that naturally pop up everywhere to help decorate our yard.

Yesterday morning mister man and Dylan dog brought me home a little gift from their hike, three turkey eggs! These are so cool and as soon as I figure out how to sanitize/make sure they don’t have any bugs these will be joining my collection I showed you in my previous post.

So that’s a little of what has been going on around our home the last two weeks, things are coming alive and I couldn’t be happier. We’re going up to ninety degrees for two days this week and I’ll be hiding inside so I’ll be about a bit more this week. Has anyone found anything wonderful in their yard lately? Trust me I do know how lucky I am to live where there’s so much beauty in our surroundings.

Have a fabulous week everyone and be well!



  1. Take care of that back, Debra. It didn't take but I back injury to make me a believer.
    I love the turkey eggs too, and the snail reminds me of days spent at my grandmother's.
    Happy Sunday.

  2. Debra,

    Happy fathers day to you! I hope that you enjoyed your day. Your yard looks beautiful and natures bounty has been good to you! That bird nest is so unusual, and intriguing, I have not seen one like that before.

    And the snail! Cool.

    I hope you have a wonderful week, looking forward to more adventures and posts on your " inside" days.


  3. I am with you! We too are busy getting at gardens, mowing etc....Your property looks lush and apparently creatures big and small like it too;) Take care! (ps..take a peek at my post today, we are on the same wavelength;) Brenda

  4. beautiful photography, debra! i am most partial to the ferns. i love this plant, and if we had more shade, i would plant as many as possible.

    loving the eggshells too!



    sounds like its time for a massage.

  5. What beautiful surroundings you live in and so close to nature with bears attacking your bird feeder! Goodness! The only wildlife we have to contend with in our garden are squirrels and guinea fowls. I hope your back is on the mend! X Sharon

  6. Debra, I'm so sorry to hear about your back - I know how much that hurts! Hope you are on the mend. Your gorgeous piece of the world looks so beautiful. So many natural wonders. The biggest discovery in our little postage stamp of a city yard has been how amazing the roses look this year. The red ones just bloomed and they take my breath away.
    Have a lovely week! XO

  7. That birds nest is a work of art. Beautiful photos. Thanks for giving us a tour...lovely

  8. Was that nest builder a Phoebe? They build their nests on cliffs. The ones in my yard in NY used to build their nest on the" cliff" that was my outdoor speaker. I couldn't play music outside until they all left the nest because I was afraid it would addle the eggs. Your garden is looking so lush, due to your hard work and the bonuses Mother Nature provides where you live -- love the ferns. Take care of yourself.

  9. Debra - Hi! Welcome back! I hope your back is better. I just came home from Sweden, and lots to catch up on in the garden: deadheading spent flowers, cutting overgrown grass, and whacking back everything. Back to the real world. And, once again, thanks for sharing those lovely treasures from nature :-)
    Take care!

  10. Yard work has a way of finding muscles you didn't know you had :-) Hope you're mended by the coming weekend!

    Such wonderful variety of plants and shrubs! I remember Spirea as being a big butterfly magnet! Had forgotten about Sedum. Great ground cover! Memories of Mock Orange from my grandparents house in upstate New York. Mmmmm - blue berries...

    Don't get between Mom turkey and her little ones...

    In our yard, it seems that a family of chipmunks has moved in, the cardinal and catbird families have left the nest and are busy flitting about. Found several orphan Kousa Dogwood and Mt. Batten Juniper seedlings as I was cleaning up the flower beds...

    HAve a great week!


  11. Debra,
    I love how everything has such a low maintenance vibe going on....stone crop cracked me up. Now the news about your back, ouch, that made me wince.
    Hope you are back to yourself....but how impressed still showing us up with such cool finds. Turkey eggs....who knew?
    I want to paint them....and I will.

  12. Oh good! I was just beginning to wonder! :) So sorry to hear about your back--please take it easy. Although I see why you have so much work to do. Sigh--it couldn't be more beautiful. I wish that you were closer!

    Have a wonderful week!!

  13. Poor you and your back! Make sure that you're taking it easy - less bending over to take shots of snails and beautiful shells methinks - lol!
    Seriously, though, what marvels you come across in your daily life! Mr Snail IS magnificent - what a stunningly iridescent shell he has.
    Thank you for sharing such beauty - always a pleasure to visit, and lucky you to have such hot weather. VERY dreary and rainy here in England today. Keep well!

    Paula x

  14. Debra, take care of your self. I had to have back surgery and it is not fun! Love to see nature in full swing. It looks beautiful.

  15. Debra,
    Those mock orange shrubs are goregous and the zinc piece.. your property is lovely and what a great nest! How sweet to hear the sound of baby birds feeding :) Yard work can be tough on the back and I also feel it in my hands from all the pulling. Take it easy today!


  16. My kids would have a heyday in your garden - it looks like a huge adventure playground - the snails and everything else! I will be seriously jealous of your blueberries when they are ripe too. :)

  17. Wow Debra! I love those blueberries and would love to make a pie or jam from those beauties. Enjoy your summer outdoors...I know first hand about things falling behind when you are lost in the garden. I wish I was there! Today is the first 114 degree day which means my garden days are over for the next 90 days. :)

  18. Funny you should ask.....I have the most beautiful birds nest that was recently vacated. We watched as mama bird built it under our patio umbrella...then checked and found 3 beautiful blue eggs. Only 1 survived and my husband and I chuckled b/c when he finally came out, he was a chunk! I guess if you're the only one, you get fed pretty well. I'm letting it dry out and will be bringing it in soon. Such a treat.

    And....loving all the beauty that surrounds your home. That snail has a very snazzy home on his back!

    Here's to a week outdoors! (Fingers crossed)
    xoxo Elizabeth

  19. beautiful shots of your garden, debra. I'm a shade garden lover, so I especially enjoyed seeing your hosta and ferns. and those turkey! donna

  20. These photos are amazing! I can't get past that snail - I've never seen anything like it in real life (and kind of hope I don't :)

  21. So many beautiful and natural wonders on your property. And I love that you don't overlook them because they are a feast to behold. Isn't Mother Nature incredible. Just think of the architecture that went into building that nest, yet the bird didn't go to school and have training he just figured it out on his own! The turkey eggs are amazing. So much beauty in lush surroundings. Thank you so much for sharing with us.XO

  22. Debra- we are soul sisters! Every second I get in between jobs you can find me out in the flower gardens. Hasn't the weather been glorious!!! I think you've sold me on the spirea. Every time I see them, I think -I've got to get me one or an entire hedge. Same thing with the Mock Orange. I think the weather has been perfect for berries -our blueberries are also flourishing and the raspberries are so plentiful- my husband is a happy camper eating them on his cereal every morning.
    I love reading your garden ramblings and I think you've inspired to write a little more about my own. Your property is beautiful!

  23. Hi Debra,

    You must live in paradise. Wild blueberries, birds nest, and flowers. What could be better than that? I hope your back is feeling better. Stay cool over the next few days. And your bronze screens are beautiful. Can you give us another look at them or have you already done a post about the screens?


  24. Your photography is gorgeous. I feel that I always get a wonderful nature trip in your amazing yard. I am so excited to finally have blooms on my limelight hydrangeas and can hardly wait for their huge blossoms!! Take care of that back and make sure to rest...

  25. Hello Debra, so glad to have found you via Heather. What a beautiful garden and photographs, I love that one of the Hostas. I love gardening but it is very time consuming, when we came back after our little two week jaunt, you should have seen how overgrown our garden was, it never ceases to amaze me how much nature can achieve in just a couple of weeks!

  26. Debra,
    You and Dylan must have so much fun exploring! Love seeing all your finds, great pic of the snail!!! I've got a nest under my deck and can tell without getting on a ladder if anyone is still home?

  27. Amazing nature photos, I feel as if I just went on a hike in the courtry. Love the turkey eggs, they are so beautiful in their simplicity.

    Mary Jane

  28. Ouch! A hurt back-- I'm so sorry. Take good care of yourself.

    That nest is so gorgeous. I would want to bring that inside and set it under a glass cloche. I've been watching a bunch of bees buzzing around one of my windows. I'm wondering if they have a small hive there.

    Your blueberries look so promising! I went blueberry picking for the first time last week. It was so much fun & the blueberries are tip-top delicious.

    Happy first day of summer!

  29. So, so amazing! Isn't it wonderful when we find these beautiful things in our own backyards? I love going down to my tiny garden and seeing what awaits me! My precious Zoie ( our puppy) follows me every time and never wanders off…I think she likes it too! The turkey eggs are truly amazing as is the snail and his wonderful home on wheels! So glad I've found your incredible blog! I don't know about your back but obviously something is not right…i sure hope you are feeling better. My best friend deals with this every day and it's been really tough for her! Have a wonderful week!

  30. Cute Debra!!
    So sorry to hear about your back... dang... I know the feeling! This post was beautiful! I love your eye to detail, your gorgeous foliage and zinc metal details through your property... sigh. I'm always trying to remind myself that life is short and we need to stop and live in the moment more! You're that example to me.

    much love to you pretty lady!

  31. I just love the pictures of your yard Debra - you have wild turkeys an wild bears!!! How amazing! Just love the colour of your shutters, and your garden looks picture perfect.

  32. Thanks for sharing all that beauty!!

  33. You have to, have to take care of your living through nature with you. Have a great weekend. Mona

  34. I love seeing all of the beauty of your yard / the glorious flowers and nature trying to take over!!

    Be sure to care for your back...thinking of you!

    Art by Karena
    Artist Series 2012

  35. That Dylan is too adorable! He really does laugh!

  36. Love your magic garden, the snail is absolutely beautiful, I am crazy to find one here to show my son and so he can learn...we had lots of those back home when I was a kid and this year not travelling there but perhaps he sees them next spring (: So cute! xo Z


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