Sunday, February 17, 2013

Waiting for Spring

Four days before the snowstorm of last week hit our property was bare of snow but cold enough that any standing water froze into a small ice patch. So we thought we would take advantage of the bare hard ground and get some work done before spring.

In 2008 we had an unbelievable ice storm that snapped trees like they were twigs and we’ve been cleaning up our forest since. We had one area left to be cleaned up and thought we would take advantage of the ground being frozen to get it done. We wanted it frozen since trucks and an excavator would be going across a large part of our field and we didn’t want the lawn chewed up.

This last corner needed major work and it was hard to get to since grape vine would grow up and around all those trees come spring and hide everything from view. Since the grape vine was out of control we decided now was the time to have it ripped out and the broken trees removed.

Since we had the crew here we thought we would have them take out a bunch of pin cherry trees that had fallen apart. These type of trees grow extremely fast and they aren’t strong trees and once they reach their maximum height they start breaking apart making them dangerous to be near.

This is where the excavator came into action and started de-stumping. Fairly easy to do since the permafrost was only about four inches thick.
The stumps were hauled away since they don’t burn but there were still a lot of branches to be burned. That fire is still burning two weeks after it started and we’re now calling it Mount Vesuvius. Don’t worry it’s safe since fire doesn’t travel across frozen land.

Come spring we plan on planting a variety of apples trees in this upper area between the forest and the lawn.

Just behind Dylan dog is where most of the work was done and now all cleaned up and we couldn’t be happier. The whole left side where the drive is, not ours, will be planted to give us back our privacy. We’ll start planting randomly with pines and work in with flowering trees and shrubs blocking off any view the neighbors have into our yard.
We really lucked out weather wise being able to get this work done before spring and not messing up our lawns. Now I wonder if I could get that excavator back to dig all the holes we’ll need for the trees? My back is already aching at the thought!
I hope everyone has a wonderful short week, stay safe and warm!




    one great bit about winter is the opportunity to plan and dream for spring.

    cannot wait to see what you do, which varieties you choose........happy gardening!

  2. Deb,

    My goodness between your business and all of your yard work you have been BUSY! I hope you find a little time to relax.

    I cannot wait to see what you plant. What sort if apple tress are you thinking? I read recently that we use to have over 700 varieties of apples/trees in the USA and now that has dwindled to between 200-300.

    I hope you are having a great weekend!

    Take care, xx Elizabeth

  3. I spy a very cute pup!!
    I am sure you have done your research, but I wanted to bring it up anyway just in case... when
    I lived on a property with a lot of apple trees there were TONS of bees, I didn't mind them, but they freaked my boyfriend out! lol

  4. Hi, Debra -
    Congratulations on getting that huge task done. Spring will be here soon, and I look forward to seeing what you plant.
    PS - Hi, Dylan!!

  5. Such labor intensive projects that one must do to maintain the beauty

  6. I can hardly wait for Spring and with all of your new plantings, I know you are excited...can't wait to see!!

  7. I love how Dylan is always just hanging out. Nothing phases him, trees falling down, snow, etc. My little mutt would be freaked out - he's afraid of his own shadow, (small dog neurosis)! xo

  8. The joys of home ownership! It is all about maintenance. I know it will look fabulous once you add lovely flowering trees. (Maybe Red Bud for early spring color, crabapple, some lovely Limelight hydrangea and fragrant Viburnum Carlesii?) I so miss all those beautiful specimens I cannot grow here in SW Florida.
    Have fun planning your new garden.

  9. How wonderful to have a bit of land around you. We live on the west coast where lots are pretty much postage stamp sized.
    Can't wait to see what you plant come spring.

  10. So nice to get a head start on Spring projects...that way you can be outdoors and just enjoy the beauty that Spring brings.

    It's another frigid day here, so I can only imagine how chilly it is where you are.

    Stay by that stove and keep warm!
    xx Elizabeth

  11. Wow! I have to say I am impressed. And happy that you used a certain fluffy model. I didn't realize that he has such a "sugar face" already! I love that sweet one!

    And I had to laugh at your last comment because I have been *ahem* told kindly that not everyone wants constant updates on Kipling. So I made a non-pupper post that will probably get ignored. Heehee. We are taking him back in tonight for a checkup about the drainage--I'll keep you posted!


  12. Wow, Debra! Who said Rome wasn't built in a day?
    I am amazed at how much you got done in this time frame. Cant wait to see what you do with the space.
    Happy Monday.

  13. you are gonna be ready for spring! wow that's great progress, and i had no idea the fire would keep burning like that. please stop by and create a natural privacy barrier for us while you're at it. we keep putting it off which is ridiculous since those trees take time to grow! are you planning to plant mature trees or baby ones?

    happy monday to you.


  14. Congrats on getting all of this done....what a gig job! Cant wait for spring..

  15. I just love seeing Dylan over seeing everything. What a sweet puppy. Makes me miss my Cappi. It's been a year now, and seems like yesterday. Have a great week. Mona

  16. It looks great! You've given me the push to take care of our backyard in SOuthampton. We were out this weekend and my favorite huge pine lost a limb--super bummed out--hopefully they can save the tree!

  17. Yup, pretty much what mine looks like after nemo. I'm afraid to even take a good look - I hate yard work!

  18. Oh it looks great! WE am so ready for Spring also!

  19. WOW - u have SO much property - it's going to be gorgeous! - i love fruits tress - we have a few ourselves :o)

    PS pass it along - giveaway going on at my blog :o)

  20. Hi Debra...I am back and missed being in blogland but the little break was nice too.
    Looks like you have been very busy! We have had a lot of similar types of work over here, all weather related of course! I love the idea that you are going to be planting apple trees...I have always wanted one!
    I don't know about you..but I dont' remember wanting spring to come as much as I do this year, I am so over winter!
    Hope alls well!

  21. It looks great! Your property is beautiful!

  22. You have such wonderful property! Great work too, it looks amazing and seems the snow is melting... We will not have spring till may or even June so we are going to the Czech republic in April(: to enjoy it there... Hugs z

  23. Debra- What a lot of work done! I can't wait to see the new trees and landscaping you have planned!


  24. Don't you just feel relieved when you get work like that completed and so much lighter too! Good for you guys! Hi Dylan!:-). I can't wait for Spring too so I get my gardening on. The hubs intend to also get some trees planted, so I'm excited about that.
    P.s. thanks for being such a darling virtual friend. It's truly appreciated! Xx

  25. I'm waiting for Spring too! I'm so sick of the cold!

  26. Hi Debra everything is shaping up so beautifully. We were just hit with a second huge snowstorm in a week!

    I do look forward to rehabbing outside this Spring.

    Art by Karena

  27. This looks like a huge job! All strength to you. I love anybody who plants more trees - makes the world a lovelier place. X Sharon

  28. Hi Debra! I think I missed this!! Dylan is so cute just taking it all in :) You both have been so busy! All that used work in that cold weather is exhausting. We have problems with blackberry vines. They think they own the place and you have to divide and conquer to clean things up. Your fruit trees will be perfect in the spot you've cleared.

    Hope you are having a nice week.


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