Sunday, June 2, 2013

That's Amour or love is in the air!

Well we now know spring is here and love is in the air when Dylan and I walked out and were greeted by this guy doing his thing. Yep, that would be a male turkey all blown up and doing his courting dance. Thankfully he was to busy putting on a show to be bothered by me and picture taking.  In case you’re wondering Dylan’s an odd dog he doesn’t chase the animals in our yard he has better things to do then waste his energies chasing birds. He did sit down and watch the show a few minutes.

The tom’s blow up with air and spread their feathers and walk in circles constantly turning to give the ladies a full view of what a stud he is and how he would make a great mate. Just look at that foot work!

He preens, clucks and gestures to try and get the ladies attention. I think he’s turning blue in the face from holding back all that air that makes him look so big since his head is usually white.

What are the ladies doing while the show is going on, they really can’t be bothered most of the time and carry on eating as if nothing special was happening.

The males or tom’s are pretty easy to pick out when they aren’t all puffed up by their beards. See that feather hanging down off the front of tom’s chest…that’s his beard.  

This is a female turkey and as you can see they’re smaller, don’t have the beards and are much duller in coloring.

Mister Tom has been dancing about for eleven hours at this point, they’re very dedicated to the end results and he needs a break for dinner.
I found him an hour later up in this tree all alone and not smoking a cigarette so I’m guessing he didn’t impress the ladies much.

They tucked their heads down and under since owls are a predator of theirs and will come along when the turkey is sleeping and …well lets leave it at that shall we!

The next morning Tom was right back at it for another day of dancing. About noon when Dylan and I went out Tom was missing and so was one of the ladies so hopefully soon we’ll have babies fluttering about.
I know this is a home design blog but sometimes you have to show life around your home. When I’m lucky enough to walk out our front door and see this going on I want to share. And for those of you who like to place big puffed up turkeys on your Thanksgiving table keep in mind why they’re really all puffed up like that…..;)
Enjoy your week everyone!


  1. I love seeing homes in "home design" blogs!. We see turkey's at our farm, but they don't tend to get as close as your Tom did. What a stud! Lovely post.

  2. Design blogs are about the surroundings in which we live and work - the creative things that move us and transform our lives. The post was perfect . Warm regards.

  3. we have a large herd of turkey about 5 miles...we go see them often on summer nights as the sun goes down...are they not majestic?

  4. They are so funny! We get so many turkey out here, my dogs go crazy!!
    Great Photos!
    Best, Karolyn

  5. hilarious! i can't stand these guys unless they're on my sandwich. they're all over the place here. unbelievable that the dance continues for that many hours! are you kiddin me? couldn't nature cut him a break and give him some male turkeyish equivalent of HOW YOUUUUUU DOIN?



  6. Too funny! Have not ever seen a turkey in a tree!

    Love your posting on boxwood too. I love them, trimmed or not. They are easy to grow and are so neat and orderly! I do have one variety that does not smell very nice. Wish I had known that before we had them planted!

    Your photos are wonderful. I have a board on Pinterest devoted to boxwood gardens. They are one of my favorites!

    Hope you had a nice weekend.

  7. If only the males of our species worked so hard for our attention! X Sharon

  8. Love the wildlife Debra...I would be smitten too. I have been watching video clips of bears eating from bird feeders around your area on Facebook. I have made a mental note to take ours down when we arrive. Four weeks to go...arriving July 2nd...through the end of August...hope we can catch up..until then, Happy Turkey watching..

    Jeanne xx

  9. How fun...and definitely a perk of country life. What fun to see a show like that:) You had me laughing at how Dylan doesn't chase them, he and Teddy would be fast friends, Teddy would just sit and watch and take it all need to break a sweat chasing animals like 99% of dogs do:) Fine by me......enjoy your Monday.

  10. Not only would Ben not chase the turkey--I bet you anything he would be afraid of it!! :) Kipling on the other hand...look out Mr. Bird!
    Thanks for these lovely photos for our Monday blues, Debra,

  11. I so love the grounds at your house and all the wildlife you see...gorgeous!

  12. Debra,
    I love this. I thoroughly enjoy what wildlife we have, which isn't much due to our suburban setting and small yard. So, Tom hit the disco and didn't find a date?! Too funny. I'm impressed that he was so wrapped up on his dance that he allowed you and Dylan to watch and picture him.

  13. This is hilarious Debra! I can just imagine this scene, how funny:) and Dylan just kicking back totally unimpressed as were (apparently) the ladies. Mr. Tom was so focused on his moves to impress the ladies that he was oblivious that you were photographing him. We don't have wild turkey here so I'm missing out on this. We do have peacocks and while on the grounds of our local winery a few weeks ago, I saw one all feathered up. It was an amazing site. Hope you are having a nice start to a new week! xxleslie

  14. LOVELY PHOTOS!YOU REALLY CAUGHT THE ACTION and I love the perch in the tree!We have these guys in CALIFORNIA too!Walking down the streets.....I think how lucky we are to have the deer and wild turkeys although they can do damage on the garden!

  15. Loved this post!

  16. You have a real Romeo out a courtin'- just hilarious! Not unlike my recall (from long ago) of some men trying to win the ladies over at the clubs- a lot of similarities-!!

  17. I guess you could say he stood there until he was blue in the face.

  18. I absolutely loved reading your post! I reminded me so much of my youth in upstate New York. There were no turkeys. My Dad was instrumental in getting them re-introduced back kin eh early 60's. My memory of being with him when the first birds were released is precious! Of course, now they're every where... :-)


  19. I am sitting her chuckling! Ha ha! I can just see you following along with the camera, capturing the fun all the way to that tall tree where he he ends up sittings with aching feet from all that pointless (?)dancing!

    But tell me why males always look better in animal land?

    Warm hugs to you, stylish & witty friend.

    ox, Mon

  20. Debra,
    I love your visitors. I think that nature is the most perfect design so it is wonderful to share all that surrounds your home inside and out.
    I am anxious for my new site to launch.
    Dylan has a special spot!

  21. live in one amazing area....surrounded by nature and beauty...

  22. I would give anything to see this! I see plenty of turkeys here…but they are mainly mounted on the walls! This is so beautiful and I know had to be amazing to watch! I had no idea an owl could prey on a turkey? Wow! So glad you shared these photos! Truly amazing and yes, you live on a gorgeous piece of property! I always love seeing it!

  23. We used to have tons of turkeys. When we first moved in, we had a family of about 20 living in our unmown backyard. But unlike Teddy, our Charlie chases everything in his territorial fashion - the good news about that is we have less deer eating our flowers!

  24. Wow I think he would scare me a little, but my kids would love to see a real turkey!

  25. That was hilarious, Debra. What a show and good for Dylan for taking it all in. I have seen a few turkeys just outside of Boston, but now realize they are the females. There don't seem to be many toms around here. Maybe you can tell your tom to take a trip to Boston--plenty of ladies around here, not enough males. Seriously though, you live in a wonderful place.


  26. Just loving your Property Debra! And smart dog you got there ... Turkey is Hilarious (:
    Xo z

  27. I love to add some home life in my decor blog, too. I love to see how others live and since Im a nature girl, I particularly love this. We do not see turkeys around here, so this was really fun.
    xo Nancy

  28. Oh my, Debra...I can't believe you were able to get such awesome pics of Tom. I love everything about your life in the country...always a new treat! XO, Mona

  29. This is the second time I've been over to this post and he scared me AGAIN! Amazing to look at, buy it makes my heart race. I'm such a chicken

  30. The perks of country living - fabulous!!! What a show! And Mr. Dylan is such a good boy. Panda and Mocha would be going wild.
    x Loi
    PS - Love that urn behind Mr. Turkey :)

  31. Hi Debra,

    These photos are fabulous. It's always a pleasure stopping by here!

  32. he he you made me laugh with your comment about sitting in the tree, not smoking- he probably thought up a few new steps for the following day..soon you will share some chicks with us. thank you for stopping by my blog, do not give up on your cabinet de curiosity, it is supposed to be collected over time,like collecting memories...

  33. Debra I think it is wonderful. You are so fortunate to have all of nature at your fingertips!

    A Featured Artful Giveaway
    Art by Karena

  34. Thank you Debra for your beautiful visit. Si interesting that you have turkeys and your little courtship post had me laughing and smiling over his lack of a ladie for the night :)
    Not to mention how to tell them apart.
    Your grounds that they live on is just so green and beautifully over grown with the best landscaping. I went back to your older posting with the box woods I have been so enamored with box woods myself these days and planting them in containers for the porch area.

    Thank you for sharing life around you, it's so inspiring.



  35. Debra,

    I do not know how I missed this post. These are beautiful turkeys, the male seems to enjoy strutting his stuff.

    I did not know that about owls, interesting.

    I cannot wait to see what you make with your blueberries. How many bushes to you have? At least all of the rain in doing some good.

    Enjoy your week! Looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful crops.

    xx Elizabeth

  36. turkeys are a big thing up here in maine, we see them all the time.
    i love when they puff up,
    and that doesn't happen enough for me to take a snap.

    love your 'Tom Boy'

  37. Debra,
    new pve design site is up and Dylan is front and center.
    Please pop over when you have a chance. There will be a few "bugs" to iron out but in time.
    Let me know what you think?

  38. Too funny!!!!
    Loved the show, thanks for sharing

  39. Debra- Wow, what a show you have put on right in your own yard living out in the country!

    If the turkey's dancing was as impressive as his puffery then you and Dylan Dog must have had a wonderful performance!


  40. now that is country life!

    have not seen a turkey here is ages

  41. Love it!!!! We have a great deal of turkeys in our little town, depending on where you are. Amazing that they actually fly, isn't it. Looks like they'd never get off the ground.

    Your Tom would look mighty fine on any Thanksgiving table!!

    Happy summer!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  42. What beautiful photos! they are quite remarkable animals. Thank you for the great shots!!


  43. I'm so glad you took the time to show us the goings on in the surroundings of your home! I don't think I've ever seen a wild turkey before - certainly not a puffed up, dancing one.

    Thanks for popping by today and for the welcome back. It's lovey to catch up with the goings on in blogland!


  44. Hello Debra,

    Just checking in to see how you are doing? I hope that you are finally seeing some beautiful Summer weather and that you and Dylan are enjoying some nice, long walks.

    Have a great day! Elizabeth

  45. Ah! What a beautiful bird, & you're so lucky to get to watch them from your house! When I was a teenager my parents lived on a large acreage and we had flocks of turkeys visit our yard. It really is an impressive sight. Great photos!

    Thank you very much for your kind comments on my painted stairs. :)


  46. My, you really have cool and unique pets! That turkey reminds me of one of the characters in Kungfu Panda. I bet Dylan is really friendly with your farm animals. That’s really cute Dylan! Great job! No offense but I really don’t find turkey’s to be cute and cuddly. But they taste really great! Yum!

  47. I sure hope Tom finally got the girl in the end. Dedicating 16+ hours to finding someone to mate with is hard work. This is a wonderful idea in the species where the men have to work for all of the attention.

  48. SO AMAZING pics:) I really love your blog and your sence of style.

    If you want some European travel inspiration...check out my blog:)

    Have a great day dear

    LOVE Maria from


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