Sunday, December 4, 2011

Through the's somebody's birthday!

Mister man at first meeting with Dylan

Nope not mister man’s birthday it’s Dylan’s and he’s five years young! This picture is from our first meeting with Dylan at six weeks of age. We had decided that since I was going to be the main caregiver we would let the puppy do the choosing rather than us. Dylan was all over me in a nanosecond and it’s been love ever since.

We call this picture "the magic of Dylan"

Dylan dog at eight weeks old his first week at his new home in February 2006.

awkward stage at 4 months

Never in our wildest imaginations did we think Dylan would grow so fast and go through an awkward stage like children do. This is pretty much close to the last time we were able to pick him up and carry him about.

Dylan proved to be a fast learner but was also full of high jinx. Believe it or not but he never once chewed shoes, he never chewed anything in our home except his toys. Here he was simply being silly and had swiped his Dad’s shoe while mister man was putting on the other.

first swim

Dylan’s first time out swimming his first summer and while he did well he isn’t much of a swimmer he prefers to wade out into the deep water and then proceed to drink it.

prizefighter puppy

Like children you always have to watch what goes into a puppy’s mouth. Mister man was out in the yard walking Dylan when a large bumblebee came along and Dylan sucked it up! Dylan didn’t really suffer any ill effects except his face and head swelled up making him look like a puppy prizefighter.

Dylan has always been heavily into sports, loves to go snow shoeing with his Dad.

And loves to hike with his Mom.

Dylan's turned out to be a great addition to our family. One of the best things I love about Goldens is no matter what they’re doing life is always a party.

Happy Birthday Dylan dog!


  1. Oh my! Happy Birthday Dylan boy!! It is amazing how much our two Goldens have in common, I didn't know! Both five (Ben's bday was the 10th, November). Ben also doesn't love swimming, has never destroyed a single thing and is just an all around sweet heart! We are so lucky Debra but then again, I know that we both are well aware of that. A bisou on the top of sweet Dylan's head from me please...

  2. Happy birthday, Dylan-boy, you are a lucky one, having so nice people at home! All the best to you from Nik and dogs Athos, Jana and Colja

  3. Hearing about Dylan is one of my favorite things about your blog... He is so precious! What a wonderful member of your family.. and what a lucky dog!

  4. very handsome, oh, and dylan's pretty cute, too. happy birthday to that little fella! donna

  5. Happy birthday to Dylan!! He reminds me so much of Teddy, I know we both say this all the time.....those puppy pics are sooo sweet. We were just looking yesterday at Teddy's too, such great memories. Amazing how they add so much to our lives and you are so on the mark about their temperament....always so happy and eager!

  6. Debra, Happy Birthday to your precious Dylan, such a cutie!!


    Art by Karena

  7. Happy Happy birthday Dylan!!!!. He was such a cute pup and has turned into such a fine young man...I remember our phone conversation...I know just how special this birthday is. Hope he got to run and play a lot today. XO, Mona

  8. You (and Dylan) choose well! Love the baby picture...looks just like my son's favorite stuffed animal which I still have tucked up at the top of his closet...impossibly cute. XO Trish

  9. What a cute pup grown into a very handsome hound! Happy Birthday Dylan - you sound like a dream dog!! I wish I could send my Baxter to you for some training - shoes are his best thing to chew.
    Have a lovely day
    X Sharon

  10. Happy birthday, Dylan. Dogs are such precious members of our families. Have a wonderful day.

  11. What a sweet, adorable post! What a beauty Dylan is. (or should I say handsome?) As a fellow dog lover (10 year old lab) I'm glad he has brought you so much joy! And how true - life for a dog is always a party! It's a great life if they find a good family like yours! Happy Birthday Dylan!

  12. PS. I keep coming back to take another look at Dylan's puppy photos! I want a second Golden so badly and these certainly aren't helping things!

  13. Happy birthday Dylan! He was such a cute pup. I have a heart for dogs. We have a little dog and she is 10 years old. They do become apart of your family,like one of the kids.

  14. Happy Birthday to Dylan. I love hearing about other owners who love creatures big and small.
    No doubt, our dog Bentley is provided daily with doses of love. My son said he completes our family.

  15. happy birthday dylan dog! oh deb that first photo is so precious.
    have never had a golden in my life but all golden owners i know sing their praises.
    don't party too hard :-)

  16. happy birthday, D. he's simply gorgeous and so loved!



    Debra, I'm a cat owner (don't tell anyone) and I feel totally jealous when I see how precious Dylan is. Love the fact that Dylan thinks life is a party. We people could really take a lesson.

    Hope you, Mister Man, and Dylan have a wonderful day.

    Hugs, Cindy

    p.s. thanks for the tip about putting a runner down the stairs. I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt!

    Oh, I also appreciate your suggestion to use larger pictures. I am so frustrated by the format of my blog. I really need to redo it, but have not taken the time to see if I would lose all my contacts.

  18. Happy birthday Dylan dog! It was great to watch Dylan grow up all over again. Reminds me how precious our dogs are.
    Honey and Sam wish Dylan a woounderful birthday too.

  19. Well Happy Birthday Dylan! Awwww he's such a handsome boy! The picture of Dylan with the bubble you posted awhile ago Debra is one of my absolute favorites! Vanna

  20. Happy Birthday, Dylan!!!! This just reminds me why I love having a dog so much. I was decking out Molly in plaid today and just love taking her in the car everywhere I go. The kids and teachers at school always look to see if she's there!

    I know how much you love him and obviously he is one lucky dog!!!! Hope it was a special day!!!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  21. Oh I LOVE him! He's a golden, right? My daughter wants a golden in the worse way! They truly are the cutest puppies. It's funny how quick they become just like children to us! xo

  22. A big happy birthday to Dylan!! My Charlie who is about the same size but a yellow lab will be 5 in March!! I don't know where the time has gone!!

  23. SO sweet!
    I love your blog! I am your latest follower.
    Thank you so much for your kind comment on Tina's post yesterday.

  24. What an absolute delight he is...happy doggy days!!


  25. such a sweet dog..and imho, no home is complete without pets..
    lovely blog, btw..

  26. Happy Birthday, Dylan! What a handsome boy he is! Having always had dogs and cats I can feel the love in your words. They are among the very best life has to offer. Dylan is wonderful and I can tell he is a very happy puppy.
    I can't imagine life without animals. They know the true meaning of the word "Love".
    Happy Birthday, Dylan!

  27. Debra, Congratulations on your Atelier de Campagne win. That is very exciting!

  28. How sweet! Happy Birthday to Dylan!


  29. debra, I'm just a stay-at-home mom and am in a womens study group of about 25. (members. not age. I wish.) we pick a topic of study each year and rotate hosting/presenting. I jumped at the chance to take Annie L. when she was among my choices of "women artists". ok, enough about ME. love to you! donna

  30. He is adorable...that puppy picture is so cute I can hardly stand it...dreaming of getting a Golden now!!

  31. happy belated b'day Dylan! he's soooo adorable!! he's grown so beautifully too! hope all is great with you Debra:-). XX

  32. What a beautiful dog. I really enjoyed your post! I've been a dog person now for a almost two years with the surprise addition of Dexter the dog who came to us on Christmas morning. They bring so much love into a home. Looks like Dylan had a great five years... heres to many more! (i dont know how to link it(sorry) -but check out my post - A Dog's LIfe - posted in oct.) Thanks!

  33. What a great companion you have in Dylan and he is as cute as can be. What a fabulous life he has with the two of you!

  34. Happy Birthday Dylan!! How lucky are you to be part of such an amazing family! Such a beautiful dog! Thanks for the sweet reminder today - much needed!

    Much love,

  35. Happy Birthday to your sweet doggie...his personality comes right through in the photos...easy to see that he is happy and well loved.


  36. Dylan is such a cutie! He looks so much like our "cookie" we lost many years ago. Golden's are the sweetest dogs and great with children. Happy Birthday to Dylan!

  37. Don't know how I missed this post, but I did. It is so lovely and sweet. I'm sure Dylan's love for you is totally unconditional. (The world could learn so much from a dog...

    Happy memories flooded my mind and a few tears were shed as I sat here remebering Chipper, our 16 year old Lab Sally and I lost about about 6 weeks ago. We lost his sister 2 years ago. Every once in a while, I swear I hear them moving about the house at night or sometimes catch a glimpse of them out of the corner of my eye. They never leave you.


  38. Happy belated, Dylan! You dog is gorgeous. Dogs sure do bring so much joy to our lives. I don't know what I'd do without my two. Unconditional love is what it's all about!

  39. OMG he's the cutest thing! Happy Birthday Dylan!

  40. Happy Birthday Dylan! So adorable! Stop by, Im having a great Christmas giveaway!


  41. Happy Birthday, indeed! I never met a golden I didnt love! They are the best!

  42. Happy Birthday had a ooooh and a aaaaaaaah over my shoulder from Dd...and then since you are not here, her own fluffy afghanhound had to stand in for multiple hugs and kisses...
    love Colette ~ Afrique du Sud
    ps...thank you for lovely comment re my moss tree..x

  43. Happy Birthday to your beautiful boy!!!!
    This was a lovely and touching post...
    Merry Christmas!!!
    Lots of Love,

  44. Happy belated birthday Dylan! Remy (my girl) and I hop you had the best biscuit hangover ever!!!

  45. So precious! Happy Be-lated Birthday Dylan!!!

  46. God I love a dog. That is one of the sweetest faces I have ever seen. I could eat it :)

  47. Very late Happy Birthday to Dylan!
    And a great purr from Oskar as well although he's not very well at the moment.

    All these images are wonderful and very touching!

  48. What a beautiful dog - he looks like a great family member!
    I am so glad to have just stumbled across your lovely blog. I am your newest follower! I look forward to popping back for some more inspiration!

  49. Happy Birthday to your sweet boy! Dogs really do make life a little sweeter!

    Kat :)


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